Romanian State Jewish Theatre Bucharest

"The play THE BOOK OF RUTH was inspired by my mother's story. My mother was a Polish immigrant who came to Argentina in 1934 to marry my father. Like the legendary Ruth in the Bible, she ended up living among strangers, too. Except for a younger sister who also managed to immigrate to Argentina before the war, my mother lost her entire family in the Holocaust: her parents, an older sister and a brother. 

Mother rarely told us about her life in Warsaw or reminded us about her family. The past was too painful to talk about. As is often the case with works of fiction inspired by real events, some events are true and others are made up. More than a biographical sketch of my mother's life, what it tried to convey was the guilt that overwhelms those who escaped the war, but left their families behind. In the play, Ruth suffers from Alzheimer and therefore sees her own distant memories. 

That includes the other three versions of her that she doesn't recognize. The only one who gets to see all this is Mother. The piece was originally written in Spanish, but the voices that came to my mind spoke Yiddish. This is why I am so grateful to Maia Morgenstern and The Jewish State Theatre for bringing THE BOOK OF RUTH back to the stage in this strange and wonderful mother tongue – mameloschen.” (Mario Diament)



RUTH - Katia Pascariu
FEMEIA - Natalie Ester
TÂNĂRA - Viorica Predica
FETIȚA - Anka Levana
MAMA - Mirela Nicolau
GOLDE - Arabela Neazi
ROZALIA - Cristina Cîrcei
BĂRBATUL - Mircea Dragoman
TÂNĂRUL (BORIS) - Marius Călugărița
BORIS - Mihai Ciucă
MAX - Darius Daradici
MAREK - Andrei Miercure
RINGMASTER - George Remeș
MEDICUL - Nicolae Călugărița


Stage designer: Dani Ionescu

Costume designer: Eugen Gyemant

Composer: Eugen Gyemant